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Gravity Dance Companyis committed to providing quality dance training during these difficult times. We have prepared a detailed plan to keep our students safe with plenty of options that families could choose from.



We are planning to move forward with in person classes with reduced sizes to properly social distance. Levels will be assigned days which they'll be able to take all required classes. In an attempt to reduce movement of students within the facility only the teachers will be moving room to room.



Each class will have a virtual option via zoom. Teachers will have assistants in the room so each student can get the attention they deserve. This allows teachers to focus on both students who are taking class in person as well as students who will be taking virtually.



In the case of a state shut down all classes will continue to be taught virtually via zoom. We will provide a link to families so they can call in at their scheduled class. We are committed in keeping the quality of classes high as well as give each student the attention they need.

SAFE RETURN FLIER Gravity Dance Company.
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